Fresh Vegetables

Healthy fresh vegetables are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide many important health benefits to your body.  This is the reason we want to make sure we provide as many fresh fruits and vegetables to the community as possible.  Keeping the community healthy…


Providing For Children

No one should ever be hungry, especially a child.  It is important that children are feed nutritious meals each day and are given the necessities needed to live a clean and healthy life.  We hope to provide the necessities needed to keep children feed and clean and living in a safe healthy environment.

Helping The Elderly

There comes a time when the elderly cannot take care of themselves.  When their voices are not heard because they are not able speak, we need to be their voice and make sure they are taken care of.  Elderly abuse is growing rapidly and some of the elderly just give up because they have no one to turn to.  We want to make sure the elderly is heard by checking on them and making sure they are feed.  Making sure they are in a safe home.  Think about it, one day it maybe you who need the help.

Healthy Meals

As they say, you are what you eat…  Everyone should have a hot healthy meal each day.  Some people may not have a healthy meal available to them each day.  We hope to provide healthy meals to those in need.  Having a healthy meal each day makes a difference in one’s life.  It gives you strength and energy to keep going.


Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are always needed to help with giving out food and supplies, checking on the elderly, or being a mentor to a child.  So, if you have any spare time, please volunteer because we need you



Helping The Needy

Our goal is to help as many people in need as possible!